Saturday, September 29, 2018


Brick making involves the following operations:

1. Preparation of clay:- Good brick earth, a mixture of pure clay and send alone with a small quantity of finely divided lime is first dug out, broken up, watered and kneaded well under feet till it becomes a homogeneous mass. The tempered earth is then covered up with mat pieces and allowed to dry gradually till it is just soft - enough for moulding .For manufacturing superior brick the clay is generally prepared by pug mills 

2. Moulding :- The well prepared clay is moulded in rectangular steel and wood moulds  without top and bottom, their longer sides project a few centimeters ti act as handles. Bricks are usually  moulded on a block of mood having a projection 6 mm deep and same length and breadth as the inside dimensions of the mould . moulding of bricks done on the stock board, is called  table moulding 

3. Drying:-  The moulded bricks are then allowed to dry so that these are sufficiently hard to be handled. when the bricks becomes sufficiently hard these are stacked . Eight or ten layers of bricks on edge with intervals of about one metre between them , are generally stacked 

4. Burning :- Well dried bricks are burnt in clamps or kinls to attain desired  crushing strength and also to impart red or yellowish colour.

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